What is Content Marketing and why you need to do it

Core Design CoventryDigital Marketing, News & Info

Content marketing infographic

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not directly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

Its a type of soft selling, it gives the reader free information and insight into a subject. By giving this information you are making yourself authoritative on the subject and in turn are softly telling the reader that to find out more about this or if they want this service or product you should then of course use them.

This marketing is at the heart of Digital marketing but can take a lot of resources to do.
If you have a blog , a Facebook account and a twitter account then thats 3 outlets you will need to update.
If you do that each day then the hours will mount up.
It also combines content writing skills and often creative skills in generating graphics to go with it or even videos- so has your company got people with these skills?

Using a Digital marketing agency like Core Design in Coventry brings these skills together and offers clients a seamless digital marketing service.

You can read more about digital marketing at http://core365.co.uk/digital-marketing-coventry

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