Branding Agency in Coventry

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Brand Design Specialists
Our creative digital branding agency in Coventry have over 20 years experience of brand design and brand identity.
Whether you are looking to refresh an existing brand design or looking for a new brand identity we will be able to help whatever type of business you are.
Our Branding Agency Covers:
Brand Design
Corporate Communication
Corporate Behaviour
Do you just need a Logo Design?
A logo design or a logo redesign is normally the start of a brand design process.
Branding can often start with choosing a name for the business. A company name is very important, do you want it to sound professional, sound funky, sound knowledgable. However you want it to sound it is a vital start to your branding. After choosing this the next thing is to create a set of values that your company is based on. Then it's onto the logo design, a logo design will be the symbol of the company.
Because a logo can be used on so many different media and formats it is a good idea to have a set of logo guidelines created for you. Logo guidelines are essential for brand consistency for internal staff to follow, or external agencies to use.
We generally supply finished logo's in their various formats for web and print and supply with its pantone and CMYK values.

Brand Design Specialists
Are you looking for start up brand design or does your existing brand design need a refresh?
Our expert branding agency is ready to give your business the branding style that it deserves and at least 30% cheaper for like to like brand design & logo design work.
No matter if you are looking to freshen up your branding or starting a new business our branding agency is here to help.
We have a long track record of building Brands for start ups to small business and Blue chip companies. A Brand design has to be right for that individual business. We have undersatnding of this which is illustarted in our blog post - How brand design relates to your brand story.
Start up Brand Design or Want to Refresh Your Existing Brand & logo design?
The importance of getting a brand design that represents your business and works for it is very important. Our branding agency will make sure your branding reflects your business in every communication it makes.
Our brand design & logo designer service is always bespoke to each business customer. We say by getting it right from the start you will avoid a painful brand redesign in the future. We as a leading branding agency in Coventry, West Midlands with over 20 years experience of brand design so you can be assured we will make the process as professional and easy as possible.
The brand design process is a series of activities designed to develop a value system of the business and a communication framework which results in a clear brand identity & logo design.
The stages of our brand design and brand identity process are:
Our brand strategy will be based on the findings of the brand research.
Our finalised strategy sets the tone of your communications and will create things like you brand values.
The implementation stage is when your new brand identity is revealed.
Implementation can take many forms from giving out a few business cards to a website or sets of sales brochures.
This phase can be over a short period or over several months depending on your business.
Refresh Your Existing Brand Design
There are many reasons why you may want new branding . For example your current branding may now look out of date. You may also need to refresh your brand design to reach new customers or maybe you want to re engage with your existing customers.
Maybe your business has expanded and you have simply outgrown your current branding?
Our branding agency team of graphic designers will redesign your brand design and communications so you can once gain be confident in it.
Branding Agency in Coventry
All our brand design work is done in-house by our graphic designers from our Coventry home office.
Our experienced graphic designers will make sure you are happy with your brand design before proceeding to implement it.