Why should a business have a Google My Business Account
If you search for something on Google you will normally see search results based on your location. These search results that show as local results is vital for gaining extra custom from prospective local purchasers.
Previously these account listings were registered as Google places, now these results are shown from the information in a Google My Business Account.
So yes, if you want to gain extra online visitors as well as visitors to your business premises a Google My Business Account is vital.
A Google My Business account listing makes it easy for customers to find information about your business and can include photos a business wants to show about itself,their opening hours, contact information and directions.
It also allows for customers to post reviews about the business, to display them and allow for the business to reply to the review.
You Need To Be Listed To Be Found In Online Searches.
It is vital to be listed in Google My Business if you want your business to be found in local searches. It has been proved having a fully completed and working Google My Business listing will increase the chances of your business success both online and offline.
When someone searches for a product or service it is the local searches that stand out on the page. Google used to show the first 5 listings but now shows the first 3 listings.
In most cases the local listings will also display markers for the first listings along with their addresses and their phone numbers and ratings from google reviews.It also displays a map that points to each business highlighted in that particular search list and also a link to view a larger list of businesses. Then there is an option to go to another set of searches that display the next set of relevant businesses again with marking on a map of where they are.